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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Julian2AJ and LilacPetal?

Hiya Jammers! As many of you probably came to conclusions, you think this post is about #Jilac. It's not.

Many you also know that both Julian2 and LilacPetal quit. I'm here to explain. So I got all my info from GummyUnicorn's videos, which I will post here.

Julian2 quit because he is older than other Animal Jam Video makers. He simply didn't want to make videos on a kid's game anymore.

LilacPetal quit because of family and personal issues that I expect none of you to make fun of her for. I don't know the exact reasons, but don't make fun of either of these two. Here are the videos:

Love the fanart, I have some drawings I might post soon. Bye everyone!!
