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Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Hi Jammers. I'm here with a sad post. Today I tried to log onto my animal jam account for blog subjects and it said my account has been suspended for a day. So my mom e-mailed animal jam for me and asked why. I never said anything bad, so I think I have been hacked. Jammers please be very careful I believe there is a hacker on the loose. I will not be able to post anything new until tomorrow at this time. Please just be really careful and if my items have been stolen I will be asking for new ones hopefully.

~A very sad Jammer :,(

1 comment:

  1. That happened to me..! Twice my mom emailed them too, and it said innapropriate behaviour.. I changed my password then


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1. No cursing, cussing, swearing, whatever you call it.
2. No using God's name in vain, it bugs me.
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